September 6, 2024

Hook, Line, and Convert: Maximizing UGC Performance Right From the Start

David Weiner

In most advertising, grabbing attention in the first few seconds is crucial, especially when it comes to user-generated content (UGC). Research shows that the average watch time of a TikTok creative is just 2 to 3 seconds, meaning brands have a very limited window to capture attention. With 60% to 70% of users scrolling past a video if the opening moment doesn't engage them, the "hook" is the most important part of any short-form video.

This is where the power of the hook comes in. As our CEO, Jesse Ketonen, explains, “From a client data set involving $600K in TikTok ad spend, we found that a 50% view-through rate (VTR) was the most reliable indicator of sales conversions.

To achieve that, we focus on getting viewers to watch at least half of the ad, and the hook is the most critical element. Retaining users beyond the first two seconds is crucial since that’s typically where retention drops the most. Once we secure that initial attention, we can optimize the rest of the video before the key conversion event, which often happens around the halfway point of the ad.”

TikTok’s internal research aligns with this approach. A staggering 90% of ad recall occurs within the first six seconds. The opening moments of a video not only draw viewers in but also set the tone for the rest of the content. Successful TikTok performance creatives tend to structure their content in three parts: the hook, the body, and the call-to-action. By capturing attention with a strong hook, followed by a compelling middle and a clear call-to-action, brands can significantly increase engagement and performance metrics.

However, the importance of the hook doesn’t end with capturing attention—it also plays a vital role in TikTok’s targeting algorithms. According to Jesse, “We believe that TikTok’s algorithms use the response to the hook to serve videos to similar users. For example, if your hook asks a clear question like, ‘Are you a cat owner?’ the platform will likely serve that video to more users who are cat owners or who consume similar content. But it’s essential that the rest of the ad aligns with the promise of the hook. If the hook is just clickbait and the video doesn’t deliver on that relevance, engagement and conversions will likely suffer.”

In essence, TikTok’s algorithms may be optimizing content based on the initial user response to the hook, making it even more critical to craft an engaging start. If a hook can immediately resonate with a target audience—whether by asking a direct question or creating a moment of surprise—it can help drive higher engagement, more accurate targeting, and, ultimately, stronger conversions.

Successful TikTok UGC also leans into the platform’s preference for authenticity. Users favor content that feels native and unpolished, with 71% saying they prefer brand content that mirrors the organic style of TikTok. In this way, creating a hook that feels natural to the platform can further enhance the effectiveness of your content.

To sum up, the hook is the single most important factor in determining the success of TikTok UGC. With such limited time to capture attention, brands must focus on crafting hooks that engage immediately, resonate with the right audience, and deliver on the promise throughout the video. When done well, a strong hook can drive higher view-through rates, increase engagement, and lead to more conversions—making it the cornerstone of any effective TikTok marketing strategy.