Insights Hub

Hook, Line, and Convert: Maximizing UGC Performance Right From the Start

The hook is critical in TikTok advertising, as research shows that users decide within the first milliseconds whether to continue watching. A strong hook is shown to significantly increase view-through rates and drive conversions, with 90% of ad recall occurring in the first six seconds. To succeed, brands must craft engaging hooks that resonate with their target audience and deliver on their promises, aligning with TikTok’s preference for authentic and engaging content.

Level Up Creative Production for Black Friday

Black Friday success hinges on agile creative production that adapts to real-time performance data. By embracing a full-funnel approach and prioritizing testing and optimization, brands can maximize their impact and drive incredible results this Black Friday season.

Data-Driven Creativity: Making Your Ad Budget Work Smarter

Understanding where to allocate your ad budget is crucial. Recent data from AppsFlyer indicates that only 2% of creative variations dominate 68% of ad spend. This sharp concentration of resources on a small percentage of creatives isn't just a coincidence; it’s a strategic necessity driven by market dynamics.

The Power of Always-On Creative Production in Digital Advertising

always-on creative production is crucial for maintaining your brand's relevance, boosting engagement, and driving results

Unlock Back-to-School Success: A Guide for Performance Marketers

Ready to dive deeper and make this back-to-school season your most successful yet? Download the full guide and discover how Shook Digital can transform your marketing efforts.

Scaling Creative Production in the Attention Economy

The attention economy is increasingly competitive due to the growth of digital platforms and content, making it crucial for brands to adapt their strategies. As AI evolves, it will continue to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of digital marketing efforts.

Scaling Creative at the Speed of TikTok

How do you optimize your processes to scale and structure your performance creative? Well, here's how...

Unleashing the Power of Creator Content in Performance Marketing

Brands can significantly boost purchase intent by leveraging the power of content creators. This is because creators, who are often seen as authentic and relatable, can foster a sense of trust and credibility with their audience. Therefore, brands should focus on building long-term, mutually beneficial partnerships with the right creators.

Mastering TikTok Performance Marketing with a Creative Framework

TikTok offers a prime opportunity for performance marketers to reach vast, engaged audiences. Success hinges on understanding platform nuances and employing a data-driven approach. A performance creative framework is essential to craft content that combines aesthetics with effectiveness

Unlocking the True Impact of TikTok with Advanced Measurement Techniques

Traditional models can miss nearly 80% of TikTok's associated conversions, but with incremental measurement approaches like A/B testing, Geo Lift Testing, and Uplift Modeling, brands can make informed decisions and drive efficient growth. Read our full blog post on our website for more details.

5 reasons to advertise in TikTok

As TikTok, a short video entertainment platform continues to grow rapidly, many brands are left wondering how to effectively advertise on the platform.

Five tips on how to make your ads perform better on TikTok

Are you looking to advertise on TikTok and want to ensure that your ads perform at their best? Here are five tips to help you make the most out of your ad campaigns on the popular social media platform.

Creative in the Core - Adapting to the Algorithm-Driven World of Social Media Advertising

As the online media and social media landscape continue to evolve, it's becoming increasingly clear that algorithms are playing a more prominent role in how users consume content.

Shook Digital announced as TikTok Marketing Partner, Focusing on Video Production

PRESS RELEASE: Shook Digital has been named an official TikTok Marketing Partner

Exciting digital marketing trends for 2023

I am eager to share my thoughts on the most exciting digital marketing trends for 2023, as the scene is getting a shake-up! We're talking about the rise of creators, the mind-blowing impact of AI-generated content, and the storytelling magic of short-form videos.

Importance of creative variations in TikTok advertising

The importance of using multiple creatives in TikTok advertising cannot be overstated. TikTok, as a platform, thrives on creativity and originality, making it essential for advertisers to diversify their content to effectively engage with their target audience.

The Power and Impact of User-Generated Content

Consumers trust recommendations from friends and family more than any form of advertising. Ads featuring a person's face in the opening frame have better results. These statistics demonstrate the power of people and authenticity in a world with curated brand messages and social media influencers' staged glamour shots. UGC works and often works better...

Are You Our Next CSM?

With 89% of companies competing primarily on customer experience, having stellar Customer Success Managers isn't a luxury — it's a strategic imperative. Are you our next CSM?

Our Newsletter, retrospective

Understanding our past helps us design our future: Our product. It’s a reminder that in the rapidly changing world of social media and digital marketing, looking back is not just about remembering where we've been; it’s about understanding how we got here and where we’re headed next and why. Our newsletter will dive into our product, our work, and our team. We are really excited about all of these things!

Why Naming Conventions are Crucial in Performance Marketing

In the world of performance marketing, especially on platforms like TikTok, clarity and organization are not just virtues—they are necessities. As the best performance marketer specializing in TikTok can attest, well-thought-out naming conventions are obligatory. Why do they matter so much? Let's dive in.

Setting Up Custom Templates For Your TikTok VSA Campaign

Setting up a VSA campaign for the first time can be a challenge ... but with this tutorial it isn't anymore!

Slush Fireside Chat: Insights and Inspiration from Slack’s Co-founder and CTO, Cal Henderson

Shook Digital's CTO sat down with Cal Henderson, CTO and co-founder of Slack, for a broad discussion, kicking off Slush 2023 and Shook's new office.

The Reality of Attribution Models in the Age of TikTok

Adapt or die. Marketers are animals. Devoured by technology they failed to understand, they live in constant fight or flight mode. They need to adapt to AI, new channels, new creatives, loss of signal, conversion APIs… the list goes on and on.

Why T-Shaped Professionals are Crucial for Digital Success

T-shaped talent is critical for the success of start-ups because it allows individuals to have both deep expertise in a particular area and a broad understanding of various fields. This enables them to collaborate effectively with other team members, adapt to changing circumstances, and take on multiple roles within the organization.